

It was supposed to be a night of fun. Laughing and talking, walked six friends over to the bus stop in a small town called Gainesville, Florida. Little did they know that life was going to change in a few minutes. All of them were standing horizontally, but he just stepped out of the line for a second. And that’s all it took. The next thing they saw was a body on the ground, not moving. It had all just happened in a second – a car had climbed on the pavement, throwing him off in the air and then sped away. It was chaos all around with frantic calls to 911. Rushing to the hospital, their fears were proved right. He was no more. This person who was living with them for the past one month, just laughing a few minutes ago, had ceased to exist.

His name was Karan, a beloved son and elder brother and an amazing friend who was always smiling and happy, chirping around like a bird. It was a hit and run case by a drunk driver whose alcohol level was twice the permissible amount. One second, carelessness of one person and a bad decision had changed several lives. Parents who lost their son, a brother who lost his guiding light and innumerable friends who lost a friend.

I did not know Karan personally though he and I had some common friends. So, why this post? For starters, it’s to tell everyone out there reading this, to please not drink and drive, ever. Not only are they putting themselves in danger but they are also endangering everyone around them. This was also a wake-up call, a realisation that as soon as you’re about to get too comfortable in life, expect some shocks, scares and jumps. I read and hear all the time about how to live in the moment but situations like these make you conscious about how fragile, unpredictable and sudden life is. The million and one plans made just gone in a second. So yes, live in the moment, enjoy whatever comes your way and be happy. Take a second to look around, pause and appreciate because it might not be there tomorrow. Take time out to do whatever makes you happy – no matter how childish or nonsensical it is. Above everything else, though, this post was to honour Karan’s memory. It was to remember him, to provide support to his friends and family and pray that wherever he may be, may he find peace and happiness. It’s to let him know that all of us loved him.
Rest in Peace, Karan.


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